"Joy" is an animated film created for Hark Madley’s EP of the same name. This whimsical tale follows a character who embarks on a long walk – a challenging journey of self-discovery. They are endlessly charmed by the natural world, flailing headfirst through cycles of alignment and misalignment with their surroundings and themselves. Through morphing animation, playful moments, and a celebration of individuality, "Joy" reminds us of the delight that comes from deep affection, attention and connection with our surroundings and with eachother.

“Joy” is comprised of 7 short films, totaling a runtime of 11 minutes. All 7 films can be seen here.

Season cycles inspired the visuals for ‘JOY’. I often found myself reflecting on scales of change and fear of change, from bodily changes to seasonal rebirth. Animation reminds me that change is truth, and much of this film - through morphing characters and weaving loops - is an exploration of that. The timeline of making this film charted the seasons, beginning in a stubborn fall and wrapping up production in spring. The resulting film was deeply observational, the product of attention paid to morphing scenery and bodies.